Lesson 7: Investigation 2 – Circuits Revision Notes
Lesson Objectives
We're turning into scientists today to learn about electricity and how it makes light. You'll find out how:
Grade C: The light measured by a light meter is in units called Lux.
Grade A: Adding more cells (small units that provide power) to a circuit affects the light intensity (how bright the light is) measured by the light meter.
Grade A: Write about an investigation (a planned way to find something out) that shows what happens to the light when more cells are added to a circuit.

Understanding Lux and Light Meters
A light meter is like a ruler that measures light, but instead of centimeters, it uses Lux. The more Lux, the brighter the light.
The Effect of More Cells on Light Intensity
When we add more cells to a circuit, each cell gives more energy, and the bulbs get brighter.
Think of cells like batteries; more batteries can make a toy run faster or a light shine brighter.
How to Do the Investigation
Setup: Make a circuit with one cell and two bulbs. Make sure the bulbs are 10cm from the light meter.
Measure: Turn on the light meter, take off the cover, and write down the Lux.
Repeat: Do this three times with one cell, then add another cell and measure again.
Increase Cells: Keep adding cells one by one, up to three cells, and record the light each time.
Writing Your Investigation
In your investigation, include:
Your Prediction: What do you think will happen to the light when you add more cells?
The Method: Write down the steps you took in the experiment.
Results: Create a table to keep track of the cells you added and the Lux you measured.
Presenting Your Results
Draw a graph to show your results. The bottom part (the x-axis) will have the number of cells, and the side part (the y-axis) will show the light intensity in Lux.
Make a bar chart if the change is in clear steps (like 1 cell, 2 cells, 3 cells) – this is discrete data.
At the end of your experiment, decide if adding more cells made the light brighter and if that matched what you predicted at the start.
Keywords Simplified
Lux: A way to measure how bright the light is.
Cells: Small parts that give power in a circuit.
Light Intensity: How bright or strong the light is.
Circuit: The path that electricity follows to power something like a bulb.
By doing experiments like this, we can see for ourselves how electricity works. Just remember to always be safe when working with electricity, and ask an adult for help if you need it. Isn't it exciting to learn by doing? Keep experimenting and discovering!